Fiscal Certificate for Foreigners in Brazil

certificado fiscal


The fiscal certificate for foreigners in Brazil is an important document that verifies an individual's tax status with Brazilian authorities. This document is essential for various legal and financial procedures in the country.

There are three main types of fiscal certificates available for foreigners in Brazil:

  1. Negative Debt Certificate (Certidão Negativa de Débitos - CND): The CND is issued when the foreigner has no pending tax debts with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service. This document certifies that the individual is up to date with their tax obligations.
  2. Positive Debt Certificate with Negative Effects (Certidão Positiva de Débitos com Efeitos de Negativa - CPDEN): The CPDEN is provided when there are debts, but these are suspended or in the process of regularization. Despite the existence of debts, this certificate has similar effects to the CND for many legal purposes.
  3. Fiscal Regularity Certificate (Certidão de Regularidade Fiscal - CRF): The CRF is specific to the taxpayer's situation regarding the Guarantee Fund for Length of Service (FGTS). It proves that the foreigner, if an employer, is up to date with FGTS contributions for their employees.

Each of these certificates has a specific purpose and may be necessary in different situations, such as opening bank accounts, obtaining loans, participating in public bids, or renewing residence visas.

To obtain any of these certificates, the foreigner generally needs to have a valid CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry) in Brazil and have their tax situation regularized. The process of obtaining these certificates can usually be done online, through the official websites of the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service and Caixa Econômica Federal (in the case of the CRF).

It's important to note that these certificates have a limited validity period, usually ranging from 30 to 180 days, depending on the type and purpose. Therefore, it is advisable for foreigners to keep their tax obligations up to date to facilitate the issuance of these documents whenever necessary.