Legalization and Apostille of Documents: General Information


Legalization and apostille of documents are necessary processes in certain situations, but they still raise questions for many people. In this post, we will provide basic information about these topics.

What is document legalization?

Document legalization is a process that verifies the authenticity of signatures, issuing authority, and the content of the document. It is usually required when a document issued in one country needs to be used in another. Legalization can be done by consulates or embassies, but each country has its own rules.

Apostille of documents: a simpler option

In order to simplify and expedite such processes, the Hague Convention Apostille was established in 1961. This international agreement allows documents issued in a signatory country to be recognized in other signatory countries without the need for consular legalization. The apostille is a seal or stamp that verifies the authenticity of the document.

Which documents can be legalized or apostilled?

Legalization or apostille may be required for various types of documents, such as birth, marriage, or death certificates, diplomas, transcripts, powers of attorney, contracts, and more. It's important to check the requirements of the country where the document will be used to ensure compliance.

Benefits for companies and professionals

For companies operating internationally or professionals seeking opportunities outside their home country, document legalization or apostille is essential. This ensures the legal validity of important documents such as commercial contracts or academic diplomas, for example.

How to initiate the process of legalization or apostille?

The first step is to verify if the country where the document will be used is a signatory of the Apostille Convention. If it is, simply request apostille from an authorized notary, following the specific guidelines of each country. If not, it will be necessary to undergo legalization through the consulates or embassies of the country that issued the document.

Rely on experts for success.

Due to the complexity and intricacies of the document legalization and apostille process, it is advisable to enlist professionals specialized in this field. They are familiar with the rules and necessary procedures, expediting the process and ensuring legal compliance.


Now that you have basic information about document legalization and apostille, it becomes easier to prepare for the challenges involved in these processes. Remember the importance of seeking specialized assistance and staying updated on the rules of each country. Good luck on your international journeys!


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